14. SLS Lecture 14 : Assembly using the OS#

  • Review of Processes

  • Review of Systems Calls

  • I/O - Assembly “Hello World” and read

  • Process Address Spaces

    • Dynamic Memory : Adding and Growing our heap

  • create a directory mkdir syscalls; cd syscalls

  • copy examples

  • add a Makefile to automate assembling and linking

    • we are going run the commands by hand this time to highlight the details

  • add our setup.gdb to make working in gdb easier

  • normally you would want to track everything in git

14.1. Review of Processes#

14.1.1. Processes and the Kernel#

14.2. Review of System Calls - From Lecture 08#

Remember this…

The “Kernel” – Unique to Every OS

  1. Bootstraps the HW and has direct access to all of it

  2. Bottom layer that enables other programs to run

  3. A unique collection of functions that programs can invoke

Not useful on its own only useful and accessed by running other programs.

14.2.1. Intel syscall#

On Intel the instruction is syscallNOTE “CLOBBERS” RCX and R11


14.2.2. The OS System Calls#

Each OS Kernel provides a set of calls that a process can invoke using the syscall instruction on an Intel based computer

The Linux Kernel supports a very large number of system calls each is identified by a unique number that must be placed in RAX prior to executing the syscall instruction. Additional arguments are passed in by setting other registers.

With each version of the Kernel the table of calls changes. Here is one site that provides a list


  • reading some man pages man syscalls and man syscall we find that

    • to exit we must place 60 in rax

    • and that the value we want to set as our exit status code in rdi

  • each system call will accept arguments in various registers

  • NOTE: On INTEL 64bit processors rcx will be overwritten by the syscall instruction

  • On INTEL 64bit processors Linux system calls will return a value back in rax and possibly rdx

    • rax and possibly rdx will be overwritten by a system call

	.intel_syntax noprefix
	.global _start
	mov     rax, 60    # Linux exit system call number is 60       
	mov     rdi, 0     # rdi is return value 0 success


14.3. I/O#

14.3.1. Review from Lecture 3#

14.3.2. Finally “Hello World in Assembly”#

CODE: asm - hello.s

	.intel_syntax noprefix
	.section .rodata       # readonly data
	.string "Hello World\n"  # the string

	.section .text
	.global _start
	mov rax, 1          # write syscall number 1
	mov rdi, 1          # fd = rdi = stdout = 1
	mov rsi, OFFSET str # address of data to send
	mov rdx, 12         # length of data

	mov rax, 60         # exit syscall number 60
	mov rdi, 3          # rdi = exit status code = 3
	syscall At long last we have a program that we don’t need the debugger for!#

14.3.3. How about input – remember standard input#

    title="<b>CODE: asm - read.s",

CODE: asm - read.s

	.intel_syntax noprefix

	.section .data
	.byte 0x0         # space to read one byte
	                  # from standard input
	.section .text
	.global _start
	mov rax, 0        # read syscall number 0
	mov rdi, 0        # rdi = fd = stdin = 0
	# rsi address of memory to place data read
	mov rsi, OFFSET buffer
	mov rdx, 1        # maximum bytes to read
	# will "block" until data is received on
	# standard input -- this means we will
	# hang here until some presses enter

	# now exit
	mov rax, 60
	mov rdi, 0

14.3.4. Blocking: System calls can “block” your program#

By default the read system call will not return until some data is read or an error occurs. So when we run the read example it will wait for the read to return before it goes on to exit. This waiting on a system call is called “blocking”

14.3.5. There are many more calls for doing I/O#

But we can now

  1. transfer bytes from our address space to a “file” - write system call

  2. transfer bytes from a “file” to our address space - read system call

  3. connect (and possibly create) files to our address space for reading and writing - open system call

  4. disconnect a file from our address space - close system call

14.3.6. Exercises#

Change the usesum program to:

  • exit properly

  • allocate memory for the data

  • read the data in from standard in

  • write the binary result to standard out

    • use a shell command like od -l -A10 to convert the output to ascii

  • open the binary file of numbers and read them in

  • can you figure out how to get the command line arguments?

  • Write a new program that uses the random instruction to create a data file

14.4. Process Address Spaces#

14.4.1. Address Space organizes Memory of a Process#


  1. The binaries we create using the assembler and linker are Executables

  2. When we “run” our executables via the shell it creates a new process context and our binary is loaded as the initial memory “image”.

  3. The memory and register values of the process are unique to each process and change as the instructions of our binary “execute”

14.4.2. Assembly Programming as Process Address Space Image creation#

14.4.3. The Details#

14.4.4. Process Address Space#

The Memory of a Process is organized as an (Virtual) Address Space

  1. Each possible location of a byte is identified by a unique address (number)

  2. To associate a Region (range of continues addresses) with actual memory requires a “mapping”

    • mappings associate a Region with Memory and a possible source of values

    • mappings can restrict what kind of access can be made to region

      1. fetch for execute: x

      2. read: r

      3. write: w

14.5. Summary of how we “loading” a process address from a binary#

14.6. Code and instructions for exploring the Process Address Space layout#

In the lecture notes at this point you will find code and instructions for exploring the address space layout

  1. How we control the mappings based on the sections we add

  2. How we can add and shrink heap memory using the brk system call

To do the exploration we use :

  1. The nm command that print’s the symbol table of a binary. As such we can use it to see what addresses the linker placed our bytes at.

  2. A special file that the OS provides that describes the address space of a running process call the maps file.

Detail are provide in the notes. Don’t forget you can also use gdb to probe the various mappings you discover.
Eg. You can use the x command to examine the bytes at the addresses of the memory areas you find in the maps file.

14.6.1. Exploring the Address Space of a process with Code#

  • Let’s explore the address space of a running program

  • We will use 5 versions of a program the progressively adds more regions to the address space

  • The programs will wait for input before exiting so that we can use the OS provided file for check what the process address space looks like Version 1: text and data#

CODE: asm - exploringASlayout1.s

	# To use this assemble and link it:
	# as -g exploringASlayout1.s -o exploringASlayout1.o
        # ld -g exploringASlayout1.o -o exploringASlayout1
        # Then using two terminals:
	#   1. use the nm command on the binary to see what addresses the linker
	#      placed all the symbols at Eg.
	#        $ nm exploringASlayout1
	#        0000000000403000 D __bss_start
	#        0000000000403000 D _edata
	#        0000000000403000 D _end
	#        0000000000402000 d rwdata
	#        0000000000401000 T _start
        #      (if you like you can also run: "readelf -S <binary>" to 
	#       see more information about the sections in the binary)
	#   2. then run the binary -- its should stop on the read
	#      Eg.
	#      $ ./exploringASlayout1 
	#   3. in another terminal use ps and grep to find the process started from the binary
	#      Eg.
	#       $ ps auxgww | grep exploring
	#       jovyan      1697  0.0  0.0    168     4 pts/29   S+   13:41   0:00 ./exploringASlayout1
	#       jovyan      1699  0.0  0.0   6440   720 pts/30   S+   13:42   0:00 grep exploring
	#       $
	#      We see the process id (pid) is 1697
	#   4. using the process id you can now examine the file "/proc/<pid>/maps" to
	#      see the layout of the running processes address space
	#      Eg.
	#      $ cat /proc/1697/maps
	#      00400000-00401000 r--p 00000000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00401000-00402000 r-xp 00001000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00402000-00403000 rw-p 00002000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      7ffd13044000-7ffd13065000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
	#      7ffd13069000-7ffd1306d000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0                          [vvar]
	#      7ffd1306d000-7ffd1306f000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
	#      ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
	#      $
	#     What we see is that there are three mappings to the binary file, a mapping for the stack and then some
	#     extra's used by the OS.
	#     5. you can now press enter in the terminal that the binary is running in
        #        this will cause the read to finish and the binary will then continue to execute

	# CODE to explore how we control the address space mappings	
	# The smallest size of an address space mapping is called the page size
	# on Linux the default is 4096 (4Kb). To make it easier to identify
	# the mappings we will fill each section we add to a full page (4Kb)
	# worth of bytes.
	# This version 1 starts with just two sections
	# One page' of "text" and one page of "data" 
	#  - text should get mapped to a region that is readable and executable (r-x)
	#  - data should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	.intel_syntax noprefix        # assembler syntax to use <directive>
	.section .text                # linker section <directive>

	.global _start                # linker symbol type <directive> 
	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"
	mov rax, 60                # exit system call
	mov rdi, 0                 # exit status 0

	# fill the text section up with zeros so that it is one page in size.	
	.org 4095                  # force the next byte to be at the end of the page (4095
	.byte 0x00                 # put a byte of zero here

	##### DATA SECTION : read and writable memory s
	.section .data
	.global rwdata
rwdata:	.fill 4096,1,0xff

	# the following tells the linux kernel to set permissions the way we expect
	# rather than the defaults which map all sections as executable
	# When using a compiler it will add this for us
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Use the nm command to see where the linker placed things:

  • Now in one terminal run the binary – start a process from it

  • It will hang on the read so that we have time to explore what the process’s address space looks like.

  • In another terminal use ps and grep to find the process id of the new process

ps auxgww | grep exploring

Now we can use the process id to find the special file that the OS provides for us to examine the address space of a process.

 cat /proc/<pid>/maps

You can also use gdb to to explore the regions of memory that the maps file tells us are present. You can also compare what is in memory to what you find in the file.

When you are done you can press return in the terminal that the program in running. This will send a newline to the standard input of the program. This will cause the read to return and the program will go on to exit.

You can find lots of information ab out the OS provided proc directory in the manual man proc

In the manual page there is a section on the maps file specifically that tells us the details of what information it presents regarding the mappings for a running process. Version 2: adding rodata#

Read-only data section .rodata

  ##### DATA SECTION : read and writable memory s
    .section .data
    .global rwdata
rwdata: .fill 4096,1,0xff           # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of 0xff

What would happen if we put all our data in the .rodata section?… try it and find out

Here is the code

CODE: asm - exploringASlayout2.s

	# To use this assemble and link it:
	# as -g exploringASlayout1.s -o exploringASlayout1.o
        # ld -g exploringASlayout1.o -o exploringASlayout1
        # Then using two terminals:
	#   1. use the nm command on the binary to see what addresses the linker
	#      placed all the symbols at Eg.
	#        $ nm exploringASlayout1
	#        0000000000403000 D __bss_start
	#        0000000000403000 D _edata
	#        0000000000403000 D _end
	#        0000000000402000 d rwdata
	#        0000000000401000 T _start
        #      (if you like you can also run: "readelf -S <binary>" to 
	#       see more information about the sections in the binary)
	#   2. then run the binary -- its should stop on the read
	#      Eg.
	#      $ ./exploringASlayout1 
	#   3. in another terminal use ps and grep to find the process started from the binary
	#      Eg.
	#       $ ps auxgww | grep exploring
	#       jovyan      1697  0.0  0.0    168     4 pts/29   S+   13:41   0:00 ./exploringASlayout1
	#       jovyan      1699  0.0  0.0   6440   720 pts/30   S+   13:42   0:00 grep exploring
	#       $
	#      We see the process id (pid) is 1697
	#   4. using the process id you can now examine the file "/proc/<pid>/maps" to
	#      see the layout of the running processes address space
	#      Eg.
	#      $ cat /proc/1697/maps
	#      00400000-00401000 r--p 00000000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00401000-00402000 r-xp 00001000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00402000-00403000 rw-p 00002000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      7ffd13044000-7ffd13065000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
	#      7ffd13069000-7ffd1306d000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0                          [vvar]
	#      7ffd1306d000-7ffd1306f000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
	#      ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
	#      $
	#     What we see is that there are three mappings to the binary file, a mapping for the stack and then some
	#     extra's used by the OS.
	#     5. you can now press enter in the terminal that the binary is running in
        #        this will cause the read to finish and the binary will then continue to execute

	# CODE to explore how we control the address space mappings	
	# The smallest size of an address space mapping is called the page size
	# on Linux the default is 4096 (4Kb). To make it easier to identify
	# the mappings we will fill each section we add to a full page (4Kb)
	# worth of bytes.
	# This version 2 adds read only data section
	# One page' of "text", one page of "data" and one pager of "readonly data"
	#  - text should get mapped to a region that is readable and executable (r-x)
	#  - data should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	#  - rodata should get mapped to a region that is readable only       (r--)
	.intel_syntax noprefix        # assembler syntax to use <directive>
	.section .text                # linker section <directive>

	.global _start                # linker symbol type <directive> 
	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"
	mov rax, 60                # exit system call
	mov rdi, 0                 # exit status 0

	# fill the text section up with zeros so that it is one page in size.	
	.org 4095                  # force the next byte to be at the end of the page (4095
	.byte 0x00                 # put a byte of zero here

	##### DATA SECTION : read and writable memory s
	.section .data
	.global rwdata
rwdata:	.fill 4096,1,0xff           # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of 0xff

	##### READ ONLY DATA SECTION : read only memmory 
	.section .rodata
	.global rodata
	.fill 4096,1,'a             # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of ASCII lower case a
	# the following tells the linux kernel to set permissions the way we expect
	# rather than the defaults which map all sections as executable
	# When using a compiler it will add this for us
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Repeat the steps from version 1 to see what has changed. Version 3: adding bss#

The bss section is used to create a mapping for all the data that we need memory for but don’t need to specify an initial value that is not zero.

Read-Write memory .bss

    ##### BSS DATA SECTION: read and write automaitically added and filled with zero values
    .section .bss
    .global zerodata 
zerodata:   .fill 4096,1
    # The above could be replaced with the single line: .comm zerodata, 4096, 1

Note the .comm directive is a short cut that switch the section to .bss adds the symbol and makes it global

Here is the code

CODE: asm - exploringASlayout3.s

	# To use this assemble and link it:
	# as -g exploringASlayout1.s -o exploringASlayout1.o
        # ld -g exploringASlayout1.o -o exploringASlayout1
        # Then using two terminals:
	#   1. use the nm command on the binary to see what addresses the linker
	#      placed all the symbols at Eg.
	#        $ nm exploringASlayout1
	#        0000000000403000 D __bss_start
	#        0000000000403000 D _edata
	#        0000000000403000 D _end
	#        0000000000402000 d rwdata
	#        0000000000401000 T _start
        #      (if you like you can also run: "readelf -S <binary>" to 
	#       see more information about the sections in the binary)
	#   2. then run the binary -- its should stop on the read
	#      Eg.
	#      $ ./exploringASlayout1 
	#   3. in another terminal use ps and grep to find the process started from the binary
	#      Eg.
	#       $ ps auxgww | grep exploring
	#       jovyan      1697  0.0  0.0    168     4 pts/29   S+   13:41   0:00 ./exploringASlayout1
	#       jovyan      1699  0.0  0.0   6440   720 pts/30   S+   13:42   0:00 grep exploring
	#       $
	#      We see the process id (pid) is 1697
	#   4. using the process id you can now examine the file "/proc/<pid>/maps" to
	#      see the layout of the running processes address space
	#      Eg.
	#      $ cat /proc/1697/maps
	#      00400000-00401000 r--p 00000000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00401000-00402000 r-xp 00001000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00402000-00403000 rw-p 00002000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      7ffd13044000-7ffd13065000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
	#      7ffd13069000-7ffd1306d000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0                          [vvar]
	#      7ffd1306d000-7ffd1306f000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
	#      ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
	#      $
	#     What we see is that there are three mappings to the binary file, a mapping for the stack and then some
	#     extra's used by the OS.
	#     5. you can now press enter in the terminal that the binary is running in
        #        this will cause the read to finish and the binary will then continue to execute

	# CODE to explore how we control the address space mappings	
	# The smallest size of an address space mapping is called the page size
	# on Linux the default is 4096 (4Kb). To make it easier to identify
	# the mappings we will fill each section we add to a full page (4Kb)
	# worth of bytes.
	# This version 3 adds bss section
	# One page' of "text", one page of "data" and one pager of "readonly data"
	#  - text should get mapped to a region that is readable and executable (r-x)
	#  - data should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	#  - rodata should get mapped to a region that is readable only       (r--)
	#  - bss    should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	.intel_syntax noprefix        # assembler syntax to use <directive>
	.section .text                # linker section <directive>

	.global _start                # linker symbol type <directive> 
	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"
	mov rax, 60                # exit system call
	mov rdi, 0                 # exit status 0

	# fill the text section up with zeros so that it is one page in size.	
	.org 4095                  # force the next byte to be at the end of the page (4095
	.byte 0x00                 # put a byte of zero here

	##### DATA SECTION : read and writable memory s
	.section .data
	.global rwdata
rwdata:	.fill 4096,1,0xff           # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of 0xff

	##### READ ONLY DATA SECTION : read only data
	.section .rodata
	.global rodata
	.fill 4096,1,'a             # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of ASCII lower case a

	##### BSS DATA SECTION: read and write automaitically added and filled with zero values
	.section .bss
	.global zerodata 
zerodata:	.fill 4096,1
	# The above could be replaced with the single line: .comm zerodata, 4096, 1
	# the following tells the linux kernel to set permissions the way we expect
	# rather than the defaults which map all sections as executable
	# When using a compiler it will add this for us
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Repeat the steps from version 1 and see what what has changed compared to versions 1 and 2 Version 4: And and Grow our Heap#

Now let’s explore how while our program is running we can get more memory added to our process.

The brk system call - move “break pointer”

  • initially the data segment of your process will end at some location based on what data sections you defined

    • this location is called the program break pointer

    • the location where valid data memory ends and the un-allocated virtual address space

  • with brk you can set the end to a value bigger than it starting location

  • you can also shrink the break pointer back to remove memory

This area is called the HEAP

  1. call brk with argument of 0 and Linux kernel returns current break address

  2. call brk “with a reasonable address” and the kernel will allocated or de-allocated memory for us

  • in reality once we move to C we never directly call “brk” rather we will use a library routines called : malloc and free which will call brk for us.

As usual you can find more info in the manual

You can find the system call number and what the arguments are here:

Lets add this code

What does it do?

    # Now add a Heap
    # get current break pointer
    xor rdi, rdi               # pass 0 to brk (invalid request)
    mov rax, 12                # brk syscall number 12
    syscall                    # call brk with 0

    mov r15, rax               # keep a copy of where our new memory starts
                               # so we can use it later

    # now add some memory by requesting to increase the break
    # address by 32 bytes
    mov     rdi, rax            # mov current break into rdi
    add     rdi, 4096           # ask for 4096 bytes rdi=rdi+4096
    mov     rax, 12             # brk sycall 12

CODE: asm - exploringASlayout4.s

	# To use this assemble and link it:
	# as -g exploringASlayout1.s -o exploringASlayout1.o
        # ld -g exploringASlayout1.o -o exploringASlayout1
        # Then using two terminals:
	#   1. use the nm command on the binary to see what addresses the linker
	#      placed all the symbols at Eg.
	#        $ nm exploringASlayout1
	#        0000000000403000 D __bss_start
	#        0000000000403000 D _edata
	#        0000000000403000 D _end
	#        0000000000402000 d rwdata
	#        0000000000401000 T _start
        #      (if you like you can also run: "readelf -S <binary>" to 
	#       see more information about the sections in the binary)
	#   2. then run the binary -- its should stop on the read
	#      Eg.
	#      $ ./exploringASlayout1 
	#   3. in another terminal use ps and grep to find the process started from the binary
	#      Eg.
	#       $ ps auxgww | grep exploring
	#       jovyan      1697  0.0  0.0    168     4 pts/29   S+   13:41   0:00 ./exploringASlayout1
	#       jovyan      1699  0.0  0.0   6440   720 pts/30   S+   13:42   0:00 grep exploring
	#       $
	#      We see the process id (pid) is 1697
	#   4. using the process id you can now examine the file "/proc/<pid>/maps" to
	#      see the layout of the running processes address space
	#      Eg.
	#      $ cat /proc/1697/maps
	#      00400000-00401000 r--p 00000000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00401000-00402000 r-xp 00001000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00402000-00403000 rw-p 00002000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      7ffd13044000-7ffd13065000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
	#      7ffd13069000-7ffd1306d000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0                          [vvar]
	#      7ffd1306d000-7ffd1306f000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
	#      ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
	#      $
	#     What we see is that there are three mappings to the binary file, a mapping for the stack and then some
	#     extra's used by the OS.
	#     5. you can now press enter in the terminal that the binary is running in
        #        this will cause the read to finish and the binary will then continue to execute

	# CODE to explore how we control the address space mappings	
	# The smallest size of an address space mapping is called the page size
	# on Linux the default is 4096 (4Kb). To make it easier to identify
	# the mappings we will fill each section we add to a full page (4Kb)
	# worth of bytes.
	# This version 4 dyamically adds a "heap" area of memory
	# One page' of "text", one page of "data" and one pager of "readonly data"
	#  - text should get mapped to a region that is readable and executable (r-x)
	#  - data should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	#  - rodata should get mapped to a region that is readable only       (r--)
	#  - bss    should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	#  - heap   the brk system call is used to add a heap region that is

	.intel_syntax noprefix        # assembler syntax to use <directive>
	.section .text                # linker section <directive>

	.global _start                # linker symbol type <directive> 
	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"

	# Now add a Heap
	# get current break pointer
	xor rdi, rdi               # pass 0 to brk (invalid request)
	mov rax, 12                # brk syscall number 12
	syscall                    # call brk with 0

	mov r15, rax               # keep a copy of where our new memory starts
	                           # so we can use it later

	# now add some memory by requesting to increase the break
	# address by 32 bytes
	mov     rdi, rax            # mov current break into rdi
	add     rdi, 4096           # ask for 4096 bytes rdi=rdi+4096
	mov     rax, 12             # brk sycall 12

	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"

	mov rax, 60                # exit system call
	mov rdi, 0                 # exit status 0

	# fill the text section up with zeros so that it is one page in size.	
	.org 4095                  # force the next byte to be at the end of the page (4095
	.byte 0x00                 # put a byte of zero here

	##### DATA SECTION : read and writable memory s
	.section .data
	.global rwdata
rwdata:	.fill 4096,1,0xff           # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of 0xff

	##### READ ONLY DATA SECTION : read only data
	.section .rodata
	.global rodata
	.fill 4096,1,'a             # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of ASCII lower case a

	##### BSS DATA SECTION: read and write automaitically added and filled with zero values
	.section .bss
	.global zerodata 
zerodata:	.fill 4096,1
	# The above could be replaced with the single line: .comm zerodata, 4096, 1
	# the following tells the linux kernel to set permissions the way we expect
	# rather than the defaults which map all sections as executable
	# When using a compiler it will add this for us
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

We have added more code so that you can pause the program before and after it makes the calls to brk so that you can see that heap get added.

  1. start the program running

  2. follow the same steps as the other versions to look at the address space layout

  3. then press enter – this will let the program continue. It will then run the code we added to add the heap area and pause again

  4. again examine the address space layout – do you see the difference?

  5. press enter again – this will again let the program continue and it will exit Version 5: giving memory back – shrink the heap back down#

In this final version we add a final step to the program to shrink the heap back to its original size (0). This removes it from our process and give the memory back to the OS.

Here is the code we add – remember when we first called brk we stored the original location in r15

    # remove memory --  shrink heap back down to its original
    mov rdi, r15               # set break pointer back to the original location
    mov rax, 12                # brk syscall number 12

CODE: asm - exploringASlayout5.s

	# To use this assemble and link it:
	# as -g exploringASlayout1.s -o exploringASlayout1.o
        # ld -g exploringASlayout1.o -o exploringASlayout1
        # Then using two terminals:
	#   1. use the nm command on the binary to see what addresses the linker
	#      placed all the symbols at Eg.
	#        $ nm exploringASlayout1
	#        0000000000403000 D __bss_start
	#        0000000000403000 D _edata
	#        0000000000403000 D _end
	#        0000000000402000 d rwdata
	#        0000000000401000 T _start
        #      (if you like you can also run: "readelf -S <binary>" to 
	#       see more information about the sections in the binary)
	#   2. then run the binary -- its should stop on the read
	#      Eg.
	#      $ ./exploringASlayout1 
	#   3. in another terminal use ps and grep to find the process started from the binary
	#      Eg.
	#       $ ps auxgww | grep exploring
	#       jovyan      1697  0.0  0.0    168     4 pts/29   S+   13:41   0:00 ./exploringASlayout1
	#       jovyan      1699  0.0  0.0   6440   720 pts/30   S+   13:42   0:00 grep exploring
	#       $
	#      We see the process id (pid) is 1697
	#   4. using the process id you can now examine the file "/proc/<pid>/maps" to
	#      see the layout of the running processes address space
	#      Eg.
	#      $ cat /proc/1697/maps
	#      00400000-00401000 r--p 00000000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00401000-00402000 r-xp 00001000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      00402000-00403000 rw-p 00002000 103:05 1189363                           /home/jovyan/exploringASlayout1
	#      7ffd13044000-7ffd13065000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
	#      7ffd13069000-7ffd1306d000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0                          [vvar]
	#      7ffd1306d000-7ffd1306f000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
	#      ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
	#      $
	#     What we see is that there are three mappings to the binary file, a mapping for the stack and then some
	#     extra's used by the OS.
	#     5. you can now press enter in the terminal that the binary is running in
        #        this will cause the read to finish and the binary will then continue to execute

	# CODE to explore how we control the address space mappings	
	# The smallest size of an address space mapping is called the page size
	# on Linux the default is 4096 (4Kb). To make it easier to identify
	# the mappings we will fill each section we add to a full page (4Kb)
	# worth of bytes.
	# This version 4 dyamically adds a "heap" area of memory
	# One page' of "text", one page of "data" and one pager of "readonly data"
	#  - text should get mapped to a region that is readable and executable (r-x)
	#  - data should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	#  - rodata should get mapped to a region that is readable only       (r--)
	#  - bss    should get mapped to a region that is readable and writable (rw-)
	#  - heap   the brk system call is used to add a heap region that is

	.intel_syntax noprefix        # assembler syntax to use <directive>
	.section .text                # linker section <directive>

	.global _start                # linker symbol type <directive> 
	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"

	# Now add a Heap
	# get current break pointer
	xor rdi, rdi               # pass 0 to brk (invalid request)
	mov rax, 12                # brk syscall number 12
	syscall                    # call brk with 0

	mov r15, rax               # keep a copy of where our new memory starts
	                           # so we can use it later

	# now add some memory by requesting to increase the break
	# address by 32 bytes
	mov     rdi, rax            # mov current break into rdi
	add     rdi, 4096           # ask for 4096 bytes rdi=rdi+4096
	mov     rax, 12             # brk sycall 12

	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"

	# remove memory --  shrink heap back down to its original
	mov rdi, r15               # set break pointer back to the original location
	mov rax, 12                # brk syscall number 12

	# one last read so that we can see what the as looks like prior to exiting
	# use a read system call to stop the program until user presses enter
	# so that we can examine things before and after the code runs
	mov rax, 0                 # read syscall = 0 -- read(fd, buf, len)
	mov rdi, 0                 # fd = rdi = 0 = stdin
	mov rsi, OFFSET rwdata     # buf = rsi = rwdata memory
	mov rdx, 1                 # len = rdx = 1 wait for one byte "enter"

	mov rax, 60                # exit system call
	mov rdi, 0                 # exit status 0

	# fill the text section up with zeros so that it is one page in size.	
	.org 4095                  # force the next byte to be at the end of the page (4095
	.byte 0x00                 # put a byte of zero here

	##### DATA SECTION : read and writable memory s
	.section .data
	.global rwdata
rwdata:	.fill 4096,1,0xff           # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of 0xff

	##### READ ONLY DATA SECTION : read only data
	.section .rodata
	.global rodata
	.fill 4096,1,'a             # 4096 bytes each initialized with a value of ASCII lower case a

	##### BSS DATA SECTION: read and write automaitically added and filled with zero values
	.section .bss
	.global zerodata 
zerodata:	.fill 4096,1
	# The above could be replaced with the single line: .comm zerodata, 4096, 1
	# the following tells the linux kernel to set permissions the way we expect
	# rather than the defaults which map all sections as executable
	# When using a compiler it will add this for us
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

Again we added another read so that you can explore what the address space looks like after we shrink the heap but before we exit.

So that’s it – we have seen how memory gets added to the process based on what sections we added in our source code and how we can make calls to the OS to add and remove “heap” memory while our program is running. There is a more advanced call in UNIX called mmap but we will leave it’s discussion for another time.