17. UC-SLS Lecuture 17 : In to the Light - C Intro#

  • create a directory mkdir cintro; cd cintro

  • copy examples

  • add a Makefile to automate assembling and linking

    • we are going run the commands by hand this time to highlight the details

  • add our setup.gdb to make working in gdb easier

  • normally you would want to track everything in git

17.1. What are some the downsides of Assembly Programming?#

  1. The human burden of assembly programming and programmer lock in

  2. The code we write is locked to a specific CPU

  3. The code we write is locked to a specific OS

17.2. High level languages#

  • downsides?

  • lets look at python “Hello World”

    • How many instructions for our “hello.s” : < 10 instructions

    • python -c print("Hello World"): 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10,000, 100,000’s, 1,000,000’s, > 10,000,000’s ???

    • gdb

      • display /1i $pc

      • starti print("Hello World")

      • while 1

      •    stepi

      • end

    • https://github.com/python/cpython

17.3. The ToolChain#

17.4. ToolChain in action: A simple C version of sumit#

CODE: csumit1.c

long long XARRAY[1024];

long long  sumit(void)
  long long i = 0;
  long long sum = 0;
  for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
    sum += XARRAY[i];
  return sum;

CODE: usecsumit1.S

	.intel_syntax noprefix

	.global _start	
	call sumit
	mov rdi, 0      # rdi = 0 = exit return value
	mov rax, 60     # rax = 60 = exit syscall num
	syscall         # exit(0)

17.4.1. Run Assembler on usecsumit1.S#

**Use assembler as expected to usecsumit1.S \(\rightarrow\) usecsumit1.o

17.4.2. Run Compiler on csumit.c#

A New Step - compile for csumit1.c \(\rightarrow\) csumit1.s

CODE: csumit1.c

long long XARRAY[1024];

long long  sumit(void)
  long long i = 0;
  long long sum = 0;
  for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
    sum += XARRAY[i];
  return sum;

CODE: csumit1.s

	.file	"csumit1.c"
	.intel_syntax noprefix
	.globl	sumit
	.type	sumit, @function
	xor	r8d, r8d
	xor	eax, eax
	add	r8, QWORD PTR XARRAY[0+rax*8]
	inc	rax
	cmp	rax, 10
	jne	.L2
	mov	rax, r8
	.size	sumit, .-sumit
	.comm	XARRAY,8192,32
	.ident	"GCC: (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0"
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

17.4.3. Run Assembler on csumit1.s#

Now same old same old for csumit1.s \(\rightarrow\) csumit1.o

17.4.4. Linking it all together#

Use Linker to create executable usecsumit1.o \(+\) csumit1.o \(\rightarrow\) usecsumit1

17.4.5. Run our executable# Exercises#

  • add io to usecsumit1

    • read binary input in from stdin into XARRAY

    • add a sum memory variable

    • after call to sumit move the result in rax into the sum memory variable

    • write value of sum memory variable to stdout

17.5. Remember objdump is another useful tool#

  • Let’s us work directly with object files both relocatable and executables

  • Let’s us see what’s inside and where and what the loader is supposed to do

  • Has similar capabilities to debugger like gdb

    • but often easer to use when you just want to look at things and not actually debug/run things.


  • we can do everything we were doing before

  • examine memory

  • list assembly source

  • disassemble

  • set break points

  • But now if we allow the assembler and linker to produce debug info -g then

    • we can work with C source level

      • list C source that corresponds to the opcodes

      • set break points via C source lines

      • examine C variables with the debugger knowing the correct types

        • 1, 2, 4 or 8 byte types

        • pointers vs variables

        • signed versus unsigned

        • and support for complex heterogeneous types (we will see this later)


  • gcc --static -g -nostartfiles -nostdlib  csumit1.c usecsumit1.S -o sum

    • here we let the compiler driver do all the steps for us

      • it creates the necessary “intermediary” files (.s and .o files) and removes then when done

      • it runs the “compiler”, “assembler” and “linker” for us : use -v flags to sees this happend

    • in our case since we are not using the C library or “runtime” we suppress their use

      • rather we want to provide our own _start

      • we are just using the compiler to avoid writing all our code in assembly

  • we can now list sumit

  • set breakpoints on C lines break 8

  • disassemble sumit

  • print and examine C variables

    • p i

    • p sum

    • p XARRAY

    • p XARRAY[0]

  • ask what the type of a variable is

    • whatis XARRAY

In other words our use of a particular memory location is now clear and explicit

17.6. Before we can get really get going#

17.6.1. Our particular compiler : GCC#


17.6.2. Controlling the compiler with its command line options#

  • The C compiler is a very sophisticated program and has many options that control the assembly code it creates

  • we are going to use options so that make it easier to read the code it creates

    • normally the code it creates does not target human readability

    • It usually includes a lot of extra directives to provide the debugger and other tools with more information

    • and by default wants to keep compilation fast

https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html Optimization level -O#

  • by default if no optimization level is given to gcc the compiler suite we are using

    • produces code that is suited for use and manipulation in the debugger

      • this code sacrifices efficiency so that it is easy to work at the “C” source level

    • we will use -Os to set the optimization level to s which

      • does many optimizations but tries to keep the code “small” Turning off features that we don’t need#

  • We also going turn off some features designed to exploit features of the Intel processor that make the code more secure

    • -fcf-protection=none

  • We are going to turn off certain debugging directives

    • -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables

  • We are going to turn off support for dynamic (load/runtime) relocation and linking

    • -fno-pic : turn off generation of position independent code

    • -static : force static linking We are going to force ourselves to write good code making all warning errors#

  • -Werror

  • In general you should never have warning in your code - it is a sign that you don’t know what you are doing Explicitly produce assembly files#

To have the compiler driver only preprocess and compile to produce .s files

  • -S Generate intel syntax assembly code#

To have it generate intel syntax

  • -masm=intel Eg.#

17.7. Compiler Driver vs Compiler and “Building”#

  • The term compiler is used in multiple ways

    1. component of the tool chain that translates C into assembly

      • or whatever language it was built for (eg. Fortran, etc)

    2. The master command of the the tool chain that

      • a meta command that knowns how to invoke each of the components of the tool chain

      • passed a default set of options to the components

        • you can override these

      • default behavior is to try and run all steps of the toolchain to try and create and executable from the files specified

        • eg. gcc my1.c my2.c myasm.S neuralnet.o -o myexe

        • if any errors occurs it will stop and report them from which ever component failed

        • it creates all intermediary files as temporaries and removes them once done

          • eg. it creates .s and .o files as it needs too and deletes them when it is done

          • you can override this behavior

            • -E only pre-process

            • -S pre-process and compile to produce .s

            • -c pre-process, compile and assemble to produce .o

    3. The most common use is to separated out creating .o from linking into an executable eg.

      • Your program is composed from a mixture of source files:

        • my1.c, my2.c, myasm.S

        • for these you would separately “compile” each to produce a corresponding .o

          1. gcc -c my1.c -o my1.o (runs pre-processor, compiler, and assembler)

          2. gcc -c my2.c -o my2.o (runs pre-processor, compiler, and assembler)

          3. gcc -c myasm.S -o myasm.o (runs pre-processor and assembler)

      • Your program uses an existing object file from a library that someone gave you

        • neuralnet.o

      • Now you as a separate step you link all the object files together to produce your binary

        • gcc my1.o my2.o myasm.o neuralnet.o -o myexe

      • You would automate all of this with an Makefile so that when you want to “build” your executable

        • make will

          1. Only run the necessary steps “compile” steps depending on what source files are newer than their corresponding .o

          2. Then it will re-link all the .o, updated ones and existing ones, to produce a new version of the executable